Black Cherry
This is one of the first bowls I finished after moving back to Maine in 2021.
With a focus on texture, I got after it on this gorgeous piece of cherry - and I was not disappointed.
Expect to see more texture like the honeycomb as I continue to explore the possibilities that exist!
Spalted Norway Maple
This bowl is (literally) an entire story itself. ​
Someone reached out to me because their friend was moving out of a longtime home and wanted to see if I could make a bowl from the stump of a Norway Maple that had stood near the house nearly the entire time they owned it.
It all worked out, and the gift giver wrote an alternative version of "The Giving Tree" to go along with the gift, telling the story of a tree named Mabel, from sprout to its final life as a bowl.
Black Cherry and Black Walnut
This was an experiment from start to finish.
I was looking at a piece of black walnut next to a black cherry log and thought "that looks awesome" so I glued the two pieces together and got to carving.
I gave this initial bowl to a mentor and friend, but plan to make more like it since its such a gorgeous contrast of wood color and grain.
Black Cherry
This was one of my earlier bowls, probably my 3rd or 4th if memory serves. I carved this out while living in West PA when a large black cherry fell in my father in laws back yard that I was able to harvest for carving (and cooking).
Black cherry is plentiful in western PA and offers incredible grain patterns, as well as the contrast between the sapwood and heartwood.
Misc. Woods
Making bowls is my focus at Lit Carvings, but creating those pieces generates a lot of scrap wood. To make sure nothing goes to waste, I utilize these scraps for various small projects, from spoons and dishes to ash trays and pipes, all of the wood gets used.
The black cherry scraps that can't make it into a project all get used in the wood fired pizza oven!